
Short Essay On Gardening As A Hobby

Essay on My Hobby Gardening

A hobby is above all a passion for improvised skills. A hobby is an activity that helps us pass the time during a break. We live in an age where we have to move with the times. A few hours of free time and a break from the daily routine are absolutely necessary to relax the muscles, but also to allow the brain cells themselves to relax. A hobby provides the same level of relaxation. Recreation helps us to increase endorphin levels. It triggers our happiness hormones in such a way that we become attached to the activity we do. It helps us to increase our hormone levels and connect to this specific activity. If this becomes the usual conversation. He helps us spend our free time. The hobby is an exercise to feel good and also to relieve the stress of our body. It is not intended for professionals or a paying agency. Usually, it involves several active activities aimed at a specific activity that requires our time and interest.

A hobby can be anything. Hobbies are a varied group of activities such as singing, drawing, sketching, dancing, stamp collecting, crafts, gardening, origami, adult coloring, photography, swimming, coding, and much more. It depends on how we do it and the passion with which we choose the hobby that suits us. As the saying goes: A healthy mind leads to a healthy body. A hobby is very important for a healthy mind and body so that they can get along with each other. To be precise, I have many specific hobbies, but I focus more on gardening.

My hobby is gardening

I come from a peasant family. After moving to the big cities I noticed that my family likes to spend time with Mother Nature. Because I come from a family that has cultivated a lot, I decided to create my own little garden. Earlier, in my penthouse, I decided to build a small roof garden due to lack of space. Gardening has helped me release the endorphins in my whole family after a stressful day. Gardening is the most accessible and manageable task for humans. All you need is enough motivation to increase the yield. It is camping towards the tranquility and beauty of nature with a load of pampering unparalleled. Gardening has always helped me look to the future. This allowed me to keep going underwater with my love for plants and flowers. This is a form of after-school recreation. I jumped from the botanical gardens to every miniature garden and visited them all. Visiting different gardens motivates me to produce a surplus of plants in my garden.

What should I do for my hobby, gardening?

Gardening can be done on different types of soil and with many variations in yield. Gardening can be of many kinds, such as herbs, flowers, vegetables or cooking, roses, rocks, water, and indoor gardening. Depending on the needs and the availability of suitable garden tools and accessories, we select the right criteria.

The soil is the most important characteristic of gardening. Precise amounts of fertilizer and water are needed to flower and reduce flower yield. Soil is necessary because it represents a certain amount of organisms that help to convert plant nutrients from a decaying object. Healthy soil is the most important condition for harvesting in a beautiful garden. In my roof gardens, I took advantage of the lack of space to grow flowering plants and some climbing plants for my mother's kitchen. Gardening requires a lot of attention and time. From tillage to composting and flowering, it all takes dedication. I started with the correct layout because of the lack of stretch. I had to choose one of my favorite and affordable varieties to get started. Once I had good seeds and materials in the house, I started gardening. To support my mother's cooking I even planted some vegetable seeds such as bitter gourd, lemon, chili peppers, tomatoes, and some leafy vegetables. I have confirmed that I want to keep my plants away from weeds and vermin.

I asked my uncle for help with organic manure and compost to get a better harvest and nicer flowers to wake up to every morning. I used unused plastic bottles to grow climbing plants and some flowering and herbaceous plants to create an aesthetic for my garden. Plants such as basil, silver plants, rosemary, spinach, and many other hanging plants were grown from waste bottles. Sufficient amounts of sun and shade are needed because they can prevent good plant growth. Butterflies, bees, and flower beetles are regular visitors to my garden. Some of my houseplants are ferns, dracaena, philodendrons, and aglaonema. The vegetables I have grown are in a sunny spot and there is a lot of water nearby. This vegetable is used daily in our kitchen.

Horticultural health care

Gardening as a hobby has several advantages. Owning your own garden helps a family with an amplitude bonus.

1. Gardening eliminates weeds.

Studies have shown that unwanted plants consume the right amount of light and nutrients that healthy plants need. Weeds are the best competition. To destroy them, we have to tear them out.

2. Helps reduce stress.

A garden creates a source of well-being and reduces the level of stress after a busy day. It helps to burn a few extra calories, resulting in an increase in the basic metabolism. It's a lot like daily training. It's good for the body and mind.

3. Gardening can increase endorphin levels.

It then leads to a drop in blood pressure within 30 minutes thanks to the release of endorphins into the blood. It puts you in a good mood and makes you happier. It increases your patience by guiding you to see the creature grow.

4. Gardening is a source of vitamin D

When the body's melanin is exposed to the sun, it helps to maintain certain levels of vitamin D.  Sunlight is the best source of vitamin D, which provides the calcium needed for strong, strong bones.

5. Offers possibilities for pollinators.

Bees, butterflies, and some other pollinators regularly visit the garden. Gardening provides food in the form of pollen and nectar to support our food system.

6. Provides healthy food for the family.

The use of homemade compost and fertilizers produces healthy fruit and vegetables. It provides nutritious food and helps reduce household expenses.

7. Gardening brings extra oxygen into the house.

Gardening provides extra oxygen and also helps to remove unnecessary carbon dioxide and keep your home cool.


Gardening reduces the risk of respiratory diseases with little effort. It is the most productive hobby with the best yields and that is why I have chosen gardening as a hobby. Creating a beautiful garden is what relaxes me, and I strive for a more productive garden with beautiful flowers. It's a way to have fun and it's also good for my health.

My hobby is gardening 2.

A hobby is something we do to have fun in our spare time. It's different from the profession. While the work is done to make money, a hobby is a leisure activity and brings us satisfaction. Everyone has different hobbies.

These are activities such as reading, writing, singing, dancing, gardening, cooking, philately, etc. We can turn some of these activities into hobbies. A hobby cheers us up when we're depressed.

There are people who have made a profession out of their hobby and have gained not only a name but also a reputation.

my garden essay

My hobby is gardening, and a beautiful garden has grown in my house. It is divided into two parts, one of which deals with flowers and herbaceous plants of different varieties. I take care of my plants and water them every day. I keep the place clean and tidy. The colors and the scent of the flowers bring me joy.

Sometimes I invite friends to visit my garden. You also appreciate the beauty and scent of the flowers and the relaxing place. I grow vegetables in the second half of my garden. I grow tomatoes and some seasonal vegetables. I pick two or three tomatoes every day and eat them raw,

I also grow roots and radishes in my little garden. They taste very refreshing and delicious. My garden is very useful to me. He keeps me on the edge of my seat and keeps me from unnecessary chatter. I'm proud of my beautiful garden.

Short Essay On Gardening As A Hobby


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