
Decorating A Room With Lego Batman

Side quests | Batcave - secrets LEGO Batman 3 Guide

#1 Lost In Translation

To start this quest, you have to located Batgirl and Batdog - Side quests - Batcave - secrets - LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham - Game Guide and Walkthrough

To start this quest, you have to located Batgirl and Batdog. They can be found near the entrance to the Lab (in the right part of the Batcave). After the conversation, follow Batdog. Defeat waves of bandits in the places to which Batdog leads you. At the end, talk to Batdog and you will receive a Gold Brick and Batgirl character token as reward.

#2 Sleep Well

After completing the previous task, talk to Batdog again to receive another one - Side quests - Batcave - secrets - LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham - Game Guide and Walkthrough

After completing the previous task, talk to Batdog again to receive another one. Destroy the object located near the barriers and create a lever from the bricks. Use the lever and you will receive a Gold Brick and Batdog character token.

#3 Polarizing Decision

This mission is available only after completing the Sleep Well side quest - Side quests - Batcave - secrets - LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham - Game Guide and Walkthrough

This mission is available only after completing the Sleep Well side quest. Talk to Smith, who can be found in the central part of the Batcave. He will tell you that you have to look like a polar bear to receive the quest.

To change your appearance, you have to enter the room in the middle of the Batcave - Side quests - Batcave - secrets - LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham - Game Guide and Walkthrough

To change your appearance, you have to enter the room in the middle of the Batcave. Select Polar Bear shirt (costs 1000 gold coins). Before you leave, you also need to put something on your head (select Polar Bear as well). When you create the new character, save it on one of the character slots. Only after completing these two steps, Smith will give you the task. You can return to the main hall and talk to him. As a reward for dressing up, you will receive a Gold Brick and Kevin Smith Character Token.

#4 America's Next Top Sidekick

The next mission is available as soon as you step into the Batcave - Side quests - Batcave - secrets - LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham - Game Guide and Walkthrough

The next mission is available as soon as you step into the Batcave. Go to the Lab and fly upstairs (or use the lift). You will notice Bat-Cow - talk to her and you will learn that to receive the task, you have to look similarly to her. Go to the character creating machine and select Cow features (2000 coins for torso and head). Go back and talk to Bat-Cow again. You will receive a Gold Brick.

#5 Churning As We Go

You will obtain this mission after completing the Americas Next Top Sidekick side quest - Side quests - Batcave - secrets - LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham - Game Guide and Walkthrough

You will obtain this mission after completing the America's Next Top Sidekick side quest. Wearing the cow outfit, talk to Bat-Cow near the entrance to the Lab to get the task.

Your task here is to complete a training in Virtual Reality - Side quests - Batcave - secrets - LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Your task here is to complete a training in Virtual Reality. Sit on the chair in the next room and select the appropriate mission. To successfully complete the training, you have to do three thins. The first one is destroying the red characters on the arena. Approach them and start hitting to throw them out of the arena. The second task is also to destroy red enemies, but this time you can simply crush them using melee attacks. However, watch out for the special attack, when the ground starts to shake and you have to jump in the right moment to survive.

The third and the last step is running towards the exit - Side quests - Batcave - secrets - LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham - Game Guide and Walkthrough

The third and the last step is running towards the exit. The bricks will start to move and you have to jump onto next levels. You can just stand in one place and jump when two levels of bricks start to overlap. For completing this quest, you will receive a Gold Brick.

#6 The Secret of Chimpanzees

This mission is available after completing the Churning As We Go side quest - Side quests - Batcave - secrets - LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham - Game Guide and Walkthrough

This mission is available after completing the Churning As We Go side quest. You can receive it in the Lab. Approach the chimpanzee on the right and talk to him.

He will tell you that there is a treasure hidden somewhere in the Lab - Side quests - Batcave - secrets - LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham - Game Guide and Walkthrough

He will tell you that there is a treasure hidden somewhere in the Lab. Switch to Batman and wear Sensor Suit. Go left in the Lab, discovering hints one after another. At the end, switch to Green Lantern and dig out the treasure. The chest is locked with a gold padlock, so switch to Superman and use the laser. As a reward for completing this mission, you will receive a Gold Brick and Detective Chimp Character Token.

#7 Mxyzptlk In a Fix

To start this mission, you first have to complete The Secret of Chimpanzees side quest - Side quests - Batcave - secrets - LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham - Game Guide and Walkthrough

To start this mission, you first have to complete The Secret of Chimpanzees side quest. Go to the Trophy Room and talk to Riddle. You will receive a task to find a switch - otherwise, the city will explode.

Go left and you will find an hourglass with Riddles logo - Side quests - Batcave - secrets - LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Go left and you will find an hourglass with Riddle's logo. Next to it, there is a lever which you should use. After activating the lever, the mission will end and you will receive a Gold Brick.

#8 Bear-fisted Beatdown

You can receive this mission after completing the Polarizing Decision and The Secret of Chimpanzees side quests - Side quests - Batcave - secrets - LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham - Game Guide and Walkthrough

You can receive this mission after completing the Polarizing Decision and The Secret of Chimpanzees side quests. Go to the Lab and talk to Smith. Your task will be to face Superboy on arena in VR.

Sit on the chair and select the appropriate mission - Side quests - Batcave - secrets - LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Sit on the chair and select the appropriate mission. To successfully complete the task, you have to let Superboy win. Superboy will be attacking one of three platforms. You have to check which platform he's aiming at and quickly go there. After you loose the fight, you will receive a Gold Brick as a reward.

#9 Virtual Insanity

You can start this mission after completing the Bear-fisted Beatdown side quest - Side quests - Batcave - secrets - LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham - Game Guide and Walkthrough

You can start this mission after completing the Bear-fisted Beatdown side quest. If you've just ended this quest, you have to leave the Lab and go in again. The missions will restart and you will be able to start the next one. Talk to Smith and enter VR.

Inside, you have to fight with red bandits - Side quests - Batcave - secrets - LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Inside, you have to fight with red bandits. You also have to protect two civilians, so attack wisely. The enemies will attack not you, but the civilians. You have to complete three steps. The first one is to destroy a few of the bandits. The second one is to throw the out of the arena. The third and the last task is to defeat the rest of the bandits, while avoiding the lasers. At the end, enter the white light and you will complete the mission.

Attention! The mission is completed only when both the civilians step into the light with you. If you've noticed that one of them got stuck, you have to restart the mission. For completing it, you will receive a Gold Brick and Toyman Character Token.

#10 Everyone's a Critic

This mission is available on the left side of the Main Room, after completing the Virtual Insanity side quest - Side quests - Batcave - secrets - LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham - Game Guide and Walkthrough

This mission is available on the left side of the Main Room, after completing the Virtual Insanity side quest. Talk to Smith and you will learn that his newest film reel has been stolen. Switch to Batman and use Sensor Suit. Then, follow the trails left by Catwoman.

To find all the hints, you have to search for the piles of LEGO, visible in the picture - Side quests - Batcave - secrets - LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham - Game Guide and Walkthrough

To find all the hints, you have to search for the piles of LEGO, visible in the picture. After destroying them, Batman will be able to use the "Sense" ability and it will lead you to another pile. When you find the last one, take the film reel and return to Smith. For returning the reel, you will receive a Gold Brick

#11 Dot and Bothered

This mission is available after completing the Everybodys a Critic side quest - Side quests - Batcave - secrets - LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham - Game Guide and Walkthrough

This mission is available after completing the Everybody's a Critic side quest. To receive the task right after completing the previous mission, you have to leave the Main Room and then go back in. Talk to Smith and a battle with bandits will start.

The battle is divided into three parts - Side quests - Batcave - secrets - LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham - Game Guide and Walkthrough

The battle is divided into three parts. The first one consists in taking 30% of Polka-Dot Man's hp and fighting his companions. Do that three times and talk to Smith again. As a reward for rescuing him, you will receive a Gold Brick and Polka-Dot Man Character Token.

#12 Rose-tinted Rumble

You can receive this mission quest after completing the Dot and Bothered side quest - Side quests - Batcave - secrets - LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham - Game Guide and Walkthrough

You can receive this mission quest after completing the Dot and Bothered side quest. You have to leave the Main Room and go back in to reset missions. After you do that, Talk to Nightwing.

The task consists in defeating twenty bandits that will start to attack you - Side quests - Batcave - secrets - LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham - Game Guide and Walkthrough

The task consists in defeating twenty bandits that will start to attack you. Fight the enemies until you reach the required number and you will complete the mission. As a reward, you will receive a Gold Brick and Nightwing Character Token.

#13 Manta Encounter

After completing Rose-tinted Rumble, you have to leave the Main Room and go back in - Side quests - Batcave - secrets - LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham - Game Guide and Walkthrough

After completing Rose-tinted Rumble, you have to leave the Main Room and go back in. head to the docks and talk to Aquaman. He will ask you to help him get rid of the water contamination.

To complete this mission, switch to Batman and wear Arctic Suit - Side quests - Batcave - secrets - LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham - Game Guide and Walkthrough

To complete this mission, switch to Batman and wear Arctic Suit. On the water, you will notice some "water bricks" that can be frozen. After freezing one section, Black Manta will crush the ice and emerge from the water. Start attacking him and he will go back to the water after you take 30% of his hp. Do that three times and you will get rid of the contamination. For completing the quest, you will receive a Gold Brick.

Decorating A Room With Lego Batman


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